Monday, April 25, 2011

Sign Up For Reading Expo!

FKIP Reading Expo is 21 May, and so far, about 10 people have signed up to compete for the prize: 50 US dollars' worth of books written in English that the winner will choose.

If you haven't located a book and signed up, there will be more this week during English Open House (Thursday at Cary's place).

Special thanks for helping get comment threads on this blog Rizky Andriawan. He's reading the story of Aron Ralston, whose experiences are the story behind the movie 127 hours.

1 comment:

  1. thank u very much cary
    i still not have time to read it all because i'm still too busy, but i had read half of it. there are many neew vocabulary to me...
    so i should read and open my dictionary...hehehehee
